Tuesday, 20 November 2012

It Boys! tour with Blood On The Dance Floor // Interview & Live Review

Here at Est.1987 we've been telling you about Hollywood's It Boys! for a good few months now after we first caught up with the boys on their first time in the UK back in May. Fast forward a few months and the five piece are back and on tour with Blood On The Dance Floor. As well as supporting them on tour the guys have also played their biggest show ever- The Vans Warped Tour London.
We headed down to Manchester to chat to them all about how much they love the UK, working with Breathe Caroline and All Time Low and how they will never dye their hair green!

It Boys! on stage at Manchester Academy

First of all, is it good to be back in the UK?
TOMMY [Coops, bass]- [Putting on a faux Cockney accent]. We are so glad to be back in the UK; it’s like if you took gold and wrapped it in chocolate and then ate it [laughing].

Matt Cut on stage in Manchester 
Your first show was at the Vans Warped Tour in London. How was that as a tour warm-up?
JEFF [Oster, guitar]- That was amazing, the biggest show we’ve ever played.
TOMMY- There were 10,000 people watching Jeff, just Jeff, and four or five watching the rest of us [laughing]. It was the most fun I’ve ever had on stage, so that was good. It was better than America, I like it here more.

You’ve spent all summer touring America on the Warped Tour over there – how did the UK version compare?
TOMMY- It didn’t; it was way better over here in the UK. We were on main stage here, so it was bigger. It was pretty good in America, but it was indoor here, cold here; whereas over there it was 115 degrees, outdoor and it’s hell, but we love it so much.

What are you favourite things about being over in the UK?
JEFF- Definitely not the food, but that wasn’t the question; I like the weather. The clothes and the fans out here are a lot crazier too; they have fewer inhibitions about things, so they go with what feels right.

You’re touring with Blood On The Dance Floor- how’s that?
TOMMY- Yeah it’s great, it’s fun.
JEFF- They have good fans who have received us well.

Guitarist Judah Leary
Your hair is pretty tame compared to theirs? Tempted to add some green in?
TOMMY- Absolutely not, not even a little bit.
JEFF- Not a chance; not since I was like twelve.
TOMMY- There will never be green in my hair unless I accidently fall into some radiation and grow green hair, yes [laughing].

What’s your favourite song to play live? Especially in the UK?
JEFF- I’ve been liking “Sun Burns Out”
TOMMY- I think “Burning Up” has always been my favourite; I think it goes off the hardest; fans get into it the most. That and “Spring Break Up” as well are our favourites. 

And you cover Gangnam style, with dance routine; whose idea was that?
TOMMY- That was my idea, one hundred percent. Well I’ll take ninety percent, because Jeff was there while I was doing it
JEFF- I was encouraging.
TOMMY- I’ll take ninety and give him ten. Of course the guy who made up Gangnam style, [Psy], we’ve got to give him three [laughing].
JEFF- So, I’ll take seven.

It Boys! storm Manchester
Your latest single is “Start The Party”, featuring David from Breathe Carolina and Jack from All Time Low in the video- how’d you get them involved?
TOMMY- Well, we were all part of this camp back in May, this break dance camp…no I’m just kidding [laughing].

Well, after we saw your Gangham style routine we wouldn’t put it past you!
JEFF- No, we were on tour with Breathe Carolina and we asked Dave.
TOMMY- Yeah, we’ve been friends forever and asked Dave if he wanted to do a song and he said yes. So we recorded a scratch vocal on our bus while we were on the tour and then flew him to LA to do the vocal and the video. Funny story: he did the video before recording the song so it was Matt’s vocal [It Boys! lead singer] that was there and he pretended to sing to Matt’s vocal in the video. Then we had to replace it with his vocal because he recorded it the next day. And then Jack, I think he was just drunk and showed up [laughing].

The album "Introduction"

The video is set at one big party, was it?
TOMMY- Here’s the thing; we played the song two times shooting the video, other than that we just invited like three hundred people to a mansion and had a DJ and filmed a party. It was awesome.

And finally, what’s next for you guys?
TOMMY- There’s not wood here so I’m going to knock on Jeff; I think we’re coming back over here in January/February. We like it a lot here, so if we can just keep coming back here I’ll be excited. 

And here’s what happened when It Boys! took to the stage…

As Hollywood’s It Boys! take to the stage here at Manchester Academy 3, the venue is already pretty much full for the sold out show. Having been over in the UK numerous times this year alone, It Boys! are no strangers to British crowds; it is safe to say they love them. And tonight’s performance proves that the feeling’s mutual. They may be thousands of miles from home but It Boys! aren’t short of energy or fans for that matter, having already built a strong UK fan base. The dynamic five-piece burst on to stage with opener “Burning Up” which perfectly sets the tone for their performance; up beat, infectious party songs. Coincidently “Start The Party” follows, with its electronic melodies, catchy chorus and rapping from lead singer Matt Cut.

It Boys! in Manchester supporting Blood On The Dance Floor

Breaking down the pace a little, drummer Duck Leary takes to vocals in the form of unconventional love song “Rooftops”. In typical It Boys! style the slower beginnings of the track are soon transformed into a faster paced, anthemic club-worthy song. Each time we see the American quintet perform they get better. Songs such as “Sun Burns Out” work well in a gig environment, the entire crowd pogo-ing along, but would also fit perfectly in a lively club. 
Bassist Tommy Coops
It Boys! bring with them an energetic American vibe, filled with hot beach parties, cruising in open top cars and red cups; it’s contagious. Pop sensibilities blended with huge hooks, electronic rhythms and tight percussion make Its Boys! undeniably likeable. They aren’t a band to turn their nose up at having a bit of fun either; their rendition of “Gangnam Style”, complete with full band dance routine, perfectly shows this.They may be the support act tonight, but hit songs such as single “Guys Don’t Like Me” alongside the band’s engaging stage presence definitely send the crowd into a frenzy; they’ve turned the volume up and have got the party started. There’s little doubt that It Boys! have mass female appeal; I defy any girl who doesn’t want to be part of an It Boys! party. Having gone back to the US to take a month off, they have already planned their return in early 2013; and it is safe to the say the UK can’t wait. We’ll see you there.
