Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Getaway Plan // UK Album Release

UK- the wait is over! The Getaway Plan has finally released their much acclaimed album "Requiem". The Australian four-piece are back and stronger than ever. We caught up with the band back in September when they were over here on tour with Pierce The Veil.

 Want to know more about the album and what the boys had to say about their comeback, handling the pressure and future plans? Click below...

"Requiem" may very well be the bands best album to date. With soaring harmonies and gliding vocals, the bands return has brought with it a new found maturity in their sound. Intricate progressive breakdowns are combined alongside captivating melodies and huge hooks. The album in whole is a multi-layered journey from the darker "The Reckoning" with its haunting vocals and building sounds to the beautifully emotional “Move Along”. The more heartfelt song grows in pace and volume and perfectly shows off the rise and fall, dark and shade that The Getaway Plan hold down. Stand out tracks also include “Child Of Light”. It is light and melodic with slightly skewed instrumentals, only adding to the bands intrigue, but ultimately it is effortlessly infectious with impressive vocals. “Requiem” marks a new chapter in the life of The Getaway Plan. And here is what Matthew and Clint from the band had to say about the new record...

Your most recent album is called “Requiem”. Requiem is a mass for the dead, or funeral. Was the title and, indeed, album marking new life for the band?
MATTHEW [Wright, Vocals]- Yeah, we broke up as a band for a few years and it was kind of meant to represent the demise and reconciliation of the band I guess.

The album has gained a really positive response; after being away for a while and coming back was it nerve wracking releasing it?
MATTHEW- There was actually a lot less pressure, because we were taken out of the public eye after we broke up and were given the freedom to do whatever we wanted to do, because we were pretty much starting again.
CLINT [Ellis, guitar]- People weren’t really expecting anything I guess. We had a good year and a half off and were all doing different things. Then we got back together for a one-off show for Youth Suicide Awareness, but as soon as we started jamming.. couldn’t stop!

The Getaway Plan
As we mentioned, you have been on a break and are now back; did the break re-invigorate you guys and the band as a whole?
MATTHEW- Absolutely! As humans as well, it really just allowed us to ground ourselves and realise what really mattered to us and it brought everything into perspective. Then coming back after that was so much better.
CLINT- Without the break I don’t think we would have been happy with our second release and wouldn’t have been the band we are today; we needed to do that.

How have you approached the writing/recording and just generally being a band this time around?
MATTHEW- It’s still the same as it’s always been really.
CLINT- I was overseas for most of it though with another band…
MATTHEW- …which kinda sucked. But, at the same time it was kind of nice to get the rhythmic section down and leave him [Clint] to be able to do his thing on top of that, which has always worked. It was a bit tough him being overseas but we had the internet so it saved us.

So, what’s next for The Getaway Plan; another album, more touring?
CLINT- Well, our album is going to be released over here later in the year so hopefully if the response is good enough we can keep coming back. We’ve been touring Australia for eight years so we really want to focus more on the UK this time around.
MATTHEW- We kind of want to make this place our second home. After being here for three days we love it. 

Click HERE to buy the album "Requiem"