Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Event of The Week // New Build at Leeds Cockpit // Preview Interview with Al Doyle & WIN Tickets

New Build with Bang & Olufsen at Leeds Cockpit
Wednesday 7th March
*TO WIN TICKETS to the show scroll to the competition at the bottom of the interview*

Meet New Build. Made up from components of Hot Chip and LCD Soundystem this exciting new multi-layered project blends disco guitar riffs with electronic beats; each song taking on a life of its own. The album, "Yesterday Was Lived And Lost" was released yesterday, on the band's own label and the band take to the road as their tour starts today! 
The Est.1987 team will be heading down to the Leeds Cockpit date and can't wait to see this much anticipated live show. We caught up with Al Doyle ahead of the show...

Hi Al, so the album just came out and you guys start the tour today; busy week! Are you excited? Nervous?
Yes, both.  It's a completely different experience to touring with LCD or Hot Chip - we have to tour manage the whole thing between us; book hotels, transport, deal with all the gear, flights, the whole shebang.  It's a drag to be honest, but when it works you get a real sense of achievement.  Also, if the shows go well (which hopefully they will) then we know as a group that we did it all ourselves, which is pretty awesome.  The band is full of incredible musicians, so there are no worries there… If I can make sure we get to the gigs on time then we're all good.

New Build
What can we expect from the live show?
A lot of people on a small stage, for a start.  It looks pretty exciting before we even play a note, there's so much going on.  And it'll be really loud, and tight.  Our rhythm section is really on point, and I guess inevitably there'll be a few misjudged comments from me on the microphone.  Honestly I can't say what to expect, we've only done 5 shows so far so it's evolving all the time.  It'll be fun as shit.

Many people will know you from your previous bands, so what made you want to start this new project and how long have you been working on it together?
We've been working on this sporadically for a good few years, but in terms of the songs that made it onto the current album it's probably been about three years.  That makes it seem like it was a massive labour of love, but actually it was only a few weeks here and there crammed into the heavy Hot Chip/LCD schedule.  We wanted to do it because we've been writing music for a long time, and with Joe and Alexis as the main songwriters for Hot Chip there isn't an outlet for us apart from new build.  We really respect the relationship that Joe and Alexis have, and so it doesn't make sense to elbow our way into the writing too much - better to start with a clean slate and see what happens.

This is obviously a newer project, working with different people. How did you approach the writing and recording process of it?
The whole thing was written and recorded in the studio we run as a trio - Lanark Studios in east London.  Every song is different; sometimes we come to the studio with pretty much a whole song ready to go, and sometimes we'll hack something together with lots of different ideas and sections.  Felix and Tom are very critical of a lot of stuff that I write, and won't think twice of telling me to rewrite whole verses or choruses.  It's a real ball ache.

The album is released on your own label, Lanark Recordings and you also released two 12”s prior to this. Why did you decide to take the DIY approach- did it make it easier to get your music out there?
Well we're in the very privileged position of being able to fund the whole thing from our Hot Chip coffers, and we thought it'd be best not to surrender a huge percentage to a record label in return for money up front.  That's the boring financial answer.  But also we liked the idea of having complete control, and seeing what we could do differently and interestingly.  And that we would have direct contact with the fans, which has been great and very fulfilling.

New Build album artwork
The album as a whole package is just awesome, from the artwork to the font! Can you tell us a bit more about that? I hear you had your own font designed?
Yes, Felix's brother Bevis designed the font, and Felix worked very closely with his brother in putting everything together.  It's a real family affair, with Felix's dad providing artwork for the 12" series we've been doing - they're an artsy cabal and I'm glad they're on our side.

After the UK you’re heading to America and then Europe. I know that the New York shows sold out before many people had even seen that you were playing! Are you looking forward to getting out there?
Yes very much so, but it's a big responsibility as there seems to be a lot of expectation over there.  LCD has such a massive amount of goodwill in the bank, you feel as though you have to live up to something. But, if the audiences start out positive and willing then we've got a good chance of creating some really magical shows I think.

And finally, what have New Build got planned for 2012? More touring? Some Festival appearances?
Pretty much - more gigs, hopefully at festivals too, and staying healthy in the meantime in order to do the Hot Chip shows.  We're (read "I'm") not getting any younger and it's a bit of a burden; a hell of a lot of mileage under the belt, but at the moment I'm still enjoying every minute and am humbled by the response of everyone to the music… We're in it for the long haul.

Want to win a pair of tickets to the Leeds Cockpit show tomorrow? Well we have one pair to give away!

All you have to do is:
1. Follow Est.1987 on Twitter HERE
2. Tweet us the following statement: "I want to win tickets New Build at Leeds Cockpit tomorrow"
3. We will select one Tweeter at random when the competition closes at 12 noon tomorrow [Wednesday 7th March] and you will be notified via Twitter.

Get your tickets for the Leeds show tomorrow HERE or get down early and buy on the door!
Or catch New Build on the road over the next week...