Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Beartooth // New Video, 'I Have A Problem'

 Meet Beartooth, the aggressive metal Ohio four-piece have released a brand new EP through Red Bull Records and are debuting new video 'I Have A Problem'. You may recognise front-man Caleb Shomo from Attack Attack!; he's back and on better form than ever.

This new EP represents Caleb Shomo’s heart committed to record, in a way that’s raw, naked, honest and exceptionally relatable. That emotional catharsis, playing itself out via heavy music, is as much an escape for the multitalented frontman as it is for those who consume it.To watch the new video and get your hands on the EP for free click below...

The new EP through Red Bull Records is available free on their website http://www.beartoothband.com/