Saturday, 27 April 2013

Slam Dunk Preview // Blitz Kids

Continuing with our Slam Dunk Preview series this week we bring you Blitz Kids. After recently signing to Red Bull Records the quartet are going from strength to strength and their Slam Dunk set will be one you won't want to miss. 

We caught up with the guys earlier this year to chat about he progression of their sound, touring and why you should never play Goldfinger in John Feldmann’s house. to read the interview and to find out what you can expect from their live show click below... 

“Never Die” came out at the end of last year. You stepped things up on that mini-album; was that a conscious decision or just natural progression?
JOE [James, vocals]Yeah, it was a conscious decision for us to improve as a band, because we hadn’t realised anything up until that point that we were happy with. So, this is the first time that we were able to release something that was sonically and audibly how we wanted to sound production wise and everything; it was perfect, to us. Until then we’d had to compromise and I think this is the first thing that we’re proud of. Now we’re playing them up on stage we enjoy being in a band so much more.

What can we expect from the full length album out this year and when can fans expect it?
JOE- Erm…they can expect it, end of June. And there’ll be a single that will go to radio at the end of February. I mean it’s going to be different; I’m not going to lie. It’s been a while since we’ve put out a full length. The mini-album was just a thank-you for sticking with us really. To us, we don’t think it’s that different, but everyone will think it is. To us, that’s just what we write now; I think people will be surprised, but I think they’re going to love it.
Nic [Montgomery, bass]It’s another step up. We stepped up the mini-album and this is another step up.

You recorded it with John Feldmann; what was that like? Are you Goldfinger fans and fans of albums that he’s produced and worked on?
NIC- Just never play Goldfinger in his house! He hates it! [laughing]
JOE- He’s awesome; he’s like a weird, surrogate, crazy dad.
JONO [Yates, guitar]He’s like us, but older.
NIC- Did you ever see that film Uncle Buck? He’s like Uncle Buck.
JOE- He knows what he’s doing basically and he’s easy to work with and he’s mental, in a great way. His house is awesome, his pool’s wicked, his hot tub’s pretty good and his family is lovely. It was one of those things where we went in and were thinking of an idea for a song and we’d record it within an hour and then do another one and we’d get like twelve done in a day and the next day do the same. He works so quickly and in the moment, and after like three days you have like forty songs, half demoed that sound incredible that you can whittle down. To have that capability is mental. He’ll go “I’ve got this idea for a song, I’m going to demo it”, and then he’ll show it to you and it’s full production, strings, choir, everything and we’re like “Oh my god”.

Joe James & Jono Yates on stage in Leeds

What can we expect from the full length album out this year and when can fans expect it?
JOE- Erm…they can expect it, end of June. And there’ll be a single that will go to radio at the end of February. I mean it’s going to be different; I’m not going to lie. It’s been a while since we’ve put out a full length. The mini-album was just a thank-you for sticking with us really. To us, we don’t think it’s that different, but everyone will think it is. To us, that’s just what we write now; I think people will be surprised, but I think they’re going to love it.
NIC- It’s another step up. We stepped up the mini-album and this is another step up.

You recorded it with John Feldmann; what was that like? Are you Goldfinger fans and fans of albums that he’s produced and worked on?
NIC- Just never play Goldfinger in his house! He hates it! [laughing]
JOE- He’s awesome; he’s like a weird, surrogate, crazy dad.
JONO- He’s like us, but older.
NIC- Did you ever see that film Uncle Buck? He’s like Uncle Buck.
JOE- He knows what he’s doing basically and he’s easy to work with and he’s mental, in a great way. His house is awesome, his pool’s wicked, his hot tub’s pretty good and his family is lovely. It was one of those things where we went in and were thinking of an idea for a song and we’d record it within an hour and then do another one and we’d get like twelve done in a day and the next day do the same. He works so quickly and in the moment, and after like three days you have like forty songs, half demoed that sound incredible that you can whittle down. To have that capability is mental. He’ll go “I’ve got this idea for a song, I’m going to demo it”, and then he’ll show it to you and it’s full production, strings, choir, everything and we’re like “Oh my god”.

I guess being out in LA made it fun too?
JOE- No, it was awful. It was cold, it was snowing and grim…no LA was fun. We went there before and didn’t really make the most of it, so this time we went to a whole bunch of really cool bars and restaurants and Universal Studios.
JONO- I didn’t, I went to watch United. Everyone was like “We’re going to Universal” and I was like, “Absolutely not, I’m going to the nearest pub”.
JOE- Yeah, nice one. You missed out on the Transformers 3D ride, which was the best thing I’ve ever been on; we went on it three times in a row…
JONO- You missed out on a solid two-nil victory.

You had a great 2012, what do you have planned for this year? Is 2013 the year of Blitz Kids?
JOE- Yes, there’s this tour, the February tour in Europe and then April with Lower Than Atlantis. And we get to release our best thing ever, the album and three singles, and do massive budget videos and make lots of sweet merch.
And want to know what you can expect from a Blitz Kids live set?…

Joe on stage at The Cockpit
“Never Die”, Blitz Kid’s latest mini album, was released at the end of last year and marked a turning point for the band; things are now about to get even bigger and better. The Nantwich four-piece has headed out on the road with good friends Natives and Florida pop-punk band We The Kings, ahead of their much anticipated new album, due out in a few months. Being the first band on the bill usually means you play to a smaller, less enthusiastic crowd who are more interested in getting a beer in at the bar. However, that myth was dispelled with the room filling quickly and the majority of the audience singing along to every word.

Guitarist Jono Yates

No messing around, Blitz Kids get straight to the point and command the stage from beginning to end. “You’re Dead To Me” soars straight out into The Cockpit and perfectly sets the tone for the evening. Another track from their latest EP, “Strangers With Memories”, follows and by this point the crowd have warmed up from the increasingly snowy weather outside. The rest of the set follows suit with huge sounds and big hits. “Story” is undeniably catchy and even members of the audience who weren’t already aware of Blitz Kids can’t help but join in with the revelry. They close tonight’s set with the anthemic and epic “Never Die” which marks a new sound and direction for the band set to make 2013 “their” year. Blitz Kids are an exciting band to watch; their aggressive stage presence and passion is captivating. With songs drenched in big riffs and infectious melodies, the countdown is on for the new album and we are expecting great things.