Sunday, 12 May 2013

Slam Dunk Preview // Feat. Four Year Strong, Pierce the Veil & Cancer Bats

Next up in our Slam Dunk 2013 preview series are another three acts set to take the festival by storm; Four Year Strong, Pierce The Veil and Cancer Bats

To find out why you should be checking them out then click below. We'll see you at the front...

Four Year Strong

Massachusettes four-piece, pop-punk melodic hardcore act are back in the UK and getting set to headline one of the Slam Dunk stages. Four Year Strong are also taking to the road at he regional shows. Renowned for being fast pace and really getting the crowd moving their set is sure to be high octane. And with a plethora of albums to choose from as they take to headline the Macbeth Footwear stage you can expect a brilliant show.

Pierce The Veil

The San-Diego post-hardcore four-piece have just finished up on their American tour with All Time Low, are coming over for headline UK shows as well as headlining the Monster Energy stage at Slam Dunk and they even have their own flaming hot sauce; busy bees! Last year they embarked on their first UK headline tour and every single date was a sell out so it is fair to say that they Slam Dunk set is one not to miss out on. Their live shows are energetic and sweaty so make sure you're at the front and getting stuck in. 

Cancer Bats

The hardcore punk-rockers from Canada are back on UK soil and as well as a few headline dates they are also headlining the Tiger stage at this year's Slam Dunk Festival. After visiting the UK on numerous occasions since first forming in 2004 they are a firm fan Favorite. The hard working quartet may play hardcore music but are out there on stage intent on having fun so make sure that you're along for the ride.