Monday, 30 September 2013

Coasts // Video for Single, 'Stay' & Tour Dates

It’s been a whirlwind year so far for rising Bristol band COASTS, and one that doesn’t seem to be letting up with the band pleased to announce their new single ‘Stay’, due out on 14th October, through Tidal Recordings. 

With an impressive live show to boot (trust us, we've witnessed it) it's safe to say that Coasts are definitely a band to watch out for. Click below to watch the new video, find out where you can catch the guys on tour and read an exclusive interview with them...

Recorded once again with producer Duncan Mills (Vaccines, Peace) ‘Stay’ marks a change and step up from the Bristol band. With subtle melodies underlying a cohesion of tropical strings and ambitious choruses that fill this sun drenched laden anthem. 

Set to be part of a EP slated for a 2014 release, ‘Stay’ is the first track to be revealed and will be released worldwide on 14th October on Tidal Recordings, along with an extensive Autumn UK tour.

We caught up with Coasts earlier this summer in Berlin.
So you’ve been compared to the likes of Friendly Fires, Foals and Two Door Cinema? How do you take that?
CHRIS [vocals] - It's nice to be compared to those bands and we do fit into that same bracket which is cool. But I do think we do bring something different in a sense. 
JIM [bass]- When people say something like that it's a good comparison but we feel like we're doing something that we don't hear from other bands. 

You’re called Coasts and have a song “Oceans”; are you fans of the seaside?
CHRIS- [laughing] I love the seaside. That wasn’t intentional at all though. Coasts just fit. 
JIM- We needed a name  because we kept picking names that bands had already taken which sucked. We knew our sound was good for the summer...
CHRIS-...and tropical. So Coasts fit. 

And we noticed a palm tree on stage...
CHRIS- That's ours! She comes everywhere with us, our little baby. 
JIM- It's always the first thing out when we are un-loading the van. People are like "You can load your stuff here" and the first thing that comes out is the palm tree and they're like "What is this?!" People can't believe it. 

And you’ve been picked out by the likes of NME Magazine as a band to watch out for; do you take notice of lists like that?
CHRIS- Yeah you do take notice of it, it's really cool because we've read the NME and are aware of what that can do for a band. It's good because more people are going to hear about you and that's such a good thing. 

 Click HERE to read the interview in full

Buy tickets for Coasts 'Stay' tour