Thursday 22nd September
Buckinghamshire four-piece, “Futures”, have the job of warming up the crowd before “One Night Only” take to the stage. “Futures” has had an impressive start to their career, having acquired an abundant following, even launching their debut mini album “The Holiday” with Rock Sound Magazine. Even though they only formed in 2009 you may recognise some familiar faces up there on stage; “Futures” rose from the ashes of rock band “Tonight Is Goodbye” and this evening are bringing it to the strong student crowd.
The rowdy Fresher’s crowd is somewhat different to the normal “Futures” and “One Night Only” gigs. However, “Futures” captivate the unusual audience’s attention. Think “Death Cab” meet “Jimmy Eat World” and add sprinkling of “Francesqa”s dulcet vocals and you’re nearly there. Opening with album track, “Holiday”, “Futures” affirm that they are here with only one agenda; to whole-heartedly rock out and show the Fresher’s that there is more to this week than glo-sticks and fancy dress. “Futures” deliver a confident performance; a set including stand out single “Boy Who Cried Wolf”. It is safe to say that after tonight “Futures” have a lot more fans.
“One Night Only” take to the humble student union stage with the task of topping “Futures” valiant support slot. To play Fresher’s week comes with the expectation of playing to an unusual crowd- one that may not necessarily even know or care who you are. This leaves you with two options; either play the well known songs that may sound familiar to your audience or play the majority of your new material hoping that the success equals that of your established work. “One Night Only” choose the latter, swapping the recognisable “You and Me” and “Stay At Home” for the newer “Chemistry” and “Nothing left”.
Their second album, released in 2010 failed to reach the critical acclaim of their debut in 2008 and it was disappointing tonight not to hear more of the songs that established “One Night Only”s sound as a band. However this seems a conscious decision by the five Helmsley boys: 2011 is a new year and a step towards a future sound. Old favourites “It’s About Time” and “Just For Tonight” do make an appearance; however it is down to “Can You Feel It Tonight”, the band’s newest release, written for Coca Cola, to reaffirm that “One Night Only” have good things to come.
Futures tour with ASH in October and headline their own Far Reaches Tour in November
One Night Only tour in October - November