Friday, 20 April 2012

ONE TO WATCH // "Polinski" Debut Audio Visual Show - Interview

We have something a little different that we couldn’t wait to tell you about! FutureEverything in association with Hairbrain present: Legendary Komische musician Dieter Moebius’ live, improvised score for Fritz Lang’s silent sci-fi masterpiece “Metropolis” in the heart of Salford on Thursday 17 May. 

And, let us introduce you to the brilliant Paul Wolinski aka “Polinski” who is the sole support for this impressive event.

You may recognise him as one quarter of Sheffield based, instrumental post-rock group “65daysofstatic”. Polinski is Paul’s enthralling solo project and, after releasing “Labyrinths” (his critically-acclaimed debut album) last year, he is returning to his home town of Manchester for his debut audio visual show. Expect futuristic rhythms, euphoric tones and soaring instrumentals as Polinski takes electronica to the next level in the glorious surroundings of St Philip’s Church.We caught up with Paul to talk more about the show and his new project.  

Hi, so, it’s your debut audio visual show in St Philip’s Church in Salford- are you looking forward to it and supporting Dieter Moebius who’s such a pioneer of experimental electronic music?
"Labyrinths" the debut album 

It is, and I am. I have to confess, I was aware of Dieter's name, but not very knowledgeable about all the work he had done. I'm kind of cramming at the moment, truth to be told, so I don't look stupid if I meet him. Very excited to see what he pulls off. Metropolis is a stunning film.

Your album “Labyrinths” is “the soundtrack to impossible possibilities of the sci-fi mentality”, which fits perfectly with the film “Metropolis”. How did you get involved in this special event with Dieter Moebius?
Is it?? Who said that!? That's pretty cool. Being based in Manchester, I've been a fan of the FutureEverything festival for a long time, mainly because of what it brought to the city, but I always seemed to be on tour or elsewhere when it was happening. The first time I got to go was last year with 65daysofstatic. We did a performance of our Silent Running live soundtrack. I think this is probably what helped get me involved in doing something under the Polinski guise this year.

The visual side of music has always been prominent in your work (in 65daysofstatic and Polinski). Some artists seem to forget about the visual side of things these days- do you think it’s important to connect with your audience in that way, in addition to the music?
Yes, but I'm still confused as to where it’s going with live visuals in particular. We're living in a time of incredible technology. I'm not a fan of Skrillex really, but somebody showed me footage from his latest live show the other day which looks incredible (giant, live-motion-captured robot version of Skrillex), and as I'm typing, the internet seems to be reeling from some kind of hologram of Tupac appearing at Coachella. If that’s where we're at now with the big guns, I think there'll be a trickledown effect as that kind of technology gets cheaper. With 65daysofstatic, I'd like to think that we put on a cool-looking show without visuals. I always said though, that one of the reasons we started 65daysofstatic as a live band was because no matter how exciting or relevant the music might be, a guy stood behind a laptop is never going to be as exciting to watch as a bunch of people with guitars stumbling about on a stage. Now I'm a guy behind a laptop. If I wasn't still part of 65 too, I think I'd be freaking out about that a lot more.


Polinski has played a string of dates across the UK, Europe, Russia and Japan and has now brought Caspar Newbolt of Version Industries to work on this special hometown show. New York based visual artist Caspar, who has previously worked with the likes of Daft Punk, has collaborated on this project with Polinski. 

You’ve worked with him before, both with 65days and on “Labyrinths”. What can we expect from the live show? Will the visuals be along the same lines as “Stitches”?
We're still working on the live show. I am dealing with the technological side of it, and hopefully leaving Caspar to produce the actual visuals. With 65, we're very collaborative with Caspar down to the finest details. On Labyrinths though, Caspar and I were very collaborative on an ideas level - the concept, the hidden narratives in the music and the artwork - but when it came to the actual design project, I gave Caspar free reign. I'm still thrilled with what he came up with, for the album cover and the Stitches video. So I'm hoping that the visuals will be more of the same. Essentially - we're still going to be setting it within that same world, and telling that story that's still a secret to everyone else.

You’ve recently been in Japan and I guess are used to travelling and performing all over the world – is it nice to come back and play a show in Manchester, especially a show as unique as this?  
Very much so. I love Manchester. I really do. Sheffield is where 65 is based and it's great, but Manchester is my home. 65daysofstatic keeps me away from it most of the time, so to be able to  bring something new to the Polinski live show and to be able to do that in Manchester, it's really exciting. Plus I get to sleep in my own bed at the end of the night.

What else do you have planned for 2012? Do you divide your time between 65days and Polinski?
65daysofstatic is gearing up for the next record. We've been writing a lot already. It's going to get a bit crazy now; It always seems to get a bit crazy with 65. The Polinski record has come to a natural end, regards touring and other releases. It's nice to have FutureEverything as the last show confirmed for this, because Caspar and I are putting a lot of work into it. It definitely feels like it's the beginning of the next stage for the project, even if I pause it to concentrate on 65, rather than just the end of a little hobby that I had to get out of my system.
Thanks Paul.

DATE: Thu 17 May 2012, 7pm-11.30pm
VENUE: St Philip’s Church, Wilton Place, Salford, Manchester M3 6FJ
TICKETS: £14 + Booking Fee via SeeTickets

This one off event is set to be truly unique and something quite spectacular. For more information on the show head here-